“Discover, Learn, and Create: Nurturing Young Minds through the Marvels of Karachi’s Mangroves – Connecting Nature, Knowledge, and Creativity for a Sustainable Tomorrow!”

A Mangrove Awareness Project in Salehabad, Karachi

An environmental awareness project was conducted in Salehabad, Karachi, Pakistan, to educate children about the importance of mangroves. The project involved art workshops, storytelling sessions, and the creation of an art installation. The goal was to raise awareness, impart environmental education, engage the community, and create a lasting impression on the children. The project’s learnings were documented and published to serve as a platform for developing pedagogies that can help adults inculcate a sense of responsiveness in kids.

Your Gateway to Knowledge and Discovery


The final project: A connection with the mangroves


Dive into a World of Discovery and Understanding


Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures


The following collection of projects actively involved the children of Salehabad through art workshops, storytelling sessions, and hands-on engagement in the creation of an art installation.

Behind The Scene of This Project

The following collection of pictures is a raw footage of what behind this entire project !